10 Beginner Skiing Tips First Timers Need Before Hitting the Slopes

on 17th December, 2019
< 1 minute read

Coming skiing for the first time is a great idea whatever your age. Learning to ski as an adult can be daunting, but is also extremely accessible with just a small amount of fitness. We want to make sure you get the most out of your first time, so we’ve got a few tips for first-time skiers, to make that it’s a good one.

  • Do Some Research Before You Depart.
  • Arrive Early.
  • Don’t Overextend Yourself.
  • Ski Clothing Works Best When You Dress in Layers.
  • Rent Your Equipment.
  • Pack Fluids and Snacks.
  • Get in Shape Before the Ski Season.
  • Protect Yourself from the Sun.
  • Take professional lessons