Top 10 Tips for Post-Pandemic Travel

Omeron Travel
on 14th July, 2020
6 minutes read

The COVID-19 situation is changing our world as we know it and the thing that will change the most in our ‘new normal’ is post-pandemic travel. Even after the discovery of the vaccine, the authorities and the people will be taking action for safe travel. It is going to take a while for everything to go back to the way it was and some things might just change forever. But that is no reason for you to stop traveling and exploring. All you have to do is change a few things about it and you are good to go. Aside from keeping hand sanitizers with you at all times, you should follow these 10 tips for safe post-pandemic travel:

1. Check The Government Website

Government websites generally have a separate section about tourism which stores information about the places that you can travel to. This information is regularly updated and will most likely tell you which places are best to visit. If the government advises you not to visit a particular place at a particular time, it’s best you abide by it.

The pandemic has been going on for a long time and some places may now have new rules, regulations, and time duration regarding traveling. 

This is especially important when you are traveling to a different country. So before packing your bags, take a little time to check the government website to know about the current details, entry requirements, and safety regulations.

2. Know About The Quarantine Rules

The authorities will still be taking proper precautions for post-pandemic travel. The Regulations might differ from one country to another. 

For instance, some places will ask you to verify your health status. Check if the airport requires you to provide any medical certificate and how recent it has to be. Also, you should make some general inquiries if the tourism spots require any sort of medical documents on your behalf as well.

Aside from these, you should regularly check out the World Health Organisation (WHO) to stay updated with the current situation and for accurate information regarding health and safety concerns. It’s best to keep yourself informed about these things so you can safely enjoy your travels.

3. Keep Your Travels Close To Home

It has been a while since you traveled and we do understand the urge to complete the travel bucket list you made during the quarantine. But it may be a good time to plan a few domestic tours first and keep the idea of visiting faraway remote places at the back of your mind. At least for the being.

Global travel increases the chance of travelers unwittingly carrying the virus with them. You will also have significant troubles while getting back home. After the whole COVID-19 incidents, border controls will become much more strict.

 All things considered, it might be best to travel a few of your local spots first before going international.

4. Choose Less Crowded Destinations

Major cities like New York, Dubai, Rome and Tokyo are undoubtedly top tier destinations. These places are home to some of the most iconic sights and offer the best food, entertainment, and nightlife experience. But there are a few other things these major cities have that are population density and large numbers of tourists. This makes these places vulnerable to epidemics. 

Experts suggest avoiding large crowded areas even if the official statements declare them to be safe. One of the best actions for safe travel will be to avoid certain places that always seem to be overcrowded. Try visiting quieter places like smaller towns, rural and more natural sites. This not only offers you peace of mind, but you will also be doing a great job in diminishing any chances of a resurgence of this highly contagious disease.

5. Look For The Best Reviews Instead Of Best Prices

To be very honest, we all love a good bargain. But in this post-pandemic travel, you have to be aware of a few more things than just a good price.  While cheap hotels and bed sheets are one thing, having unsanitized rooms is a big NO. If you find hotels or transportation systems at a very cheap rate, do some investigation and see if they are taking proper measures regarding sanitization. Most services have customer reviews on their website. First, go check them out and then do your own research.

It’s best to take proper actions for safe travel and opt for places with good reviews, even if it may cost you a bit more.

6. Travel With Small Groups

Countries may or may not have rules about social distancing but it is your job to be concerned about your own health and safety; that is why it is best to travel in small groups. Even when it comes to selecting group tours, try selecting the one that allows you to travel in smaller groups.

Small groups have their own perk. This will make your trips more personal and you will feel much safer. Small group tours might be a bit more expensive than the large grouped ones, but it’s best to avoid large groups. 

7. Avoid Cash Payment As Much As Possible

Paper currency is the easiest and fastest way for germs to come into contact with humans. Cash can easily travel to 10 different people in a small matter of time. While receiving cash, we don’t quite think about how it was handled before and in what condition it was in. 

With COVID-19 being so contagious, we are now more self-aware about our surroundings. We are now more careful about what we touch. So it’s best to minimize the use of cash. Instead, use your credit cards for your travel expenses. Depending on your location, paying with credit cards may even give you extra benefits.

8. Improve Your General Hygiene

Now there’s a lot to consider in this regard. Before the pandemic, we really took our hygiene for granted. You don’t have to necessarily be 6 feet apart from everyone else, but there are a couple of actions for safe travel regarding hygiene that you must follow now:

  • Carry masks;
  • Have sanitizers with you at all times;
  • Keep spray sanitizers instead of the gel ones;
  • Wash your hands often;
  • Wipe down the surface before sitting;
  • Take the stairs more often;
  • Carry packaged food and bottled water;
  • Eat outdoors with less crowd.

These are just general hygiene norms that we should have always followed but only realize now. But it is more important than ever to improve our general hygiene.

9. Get A Valid Insurance Coverage

On the list of your to-do list, definitely write down about having the right insurance policy. 

Most of us may have opted for the cheapest travel insurance policy before. Which to some extent seemed logical since we did not plan on getting sick while traveling, but this has to change.

Make sure your insurance policy covers for the places you are willing to travel and double-check if they have enlisted coverage for events like the current pandemic. Also, add trip cancellation insurance to the list. 

With flights being canceled at a moment’s notice, and new places going under lockdown, it’s a quite unpredictable time we are living in. A trip cancellation insurance in that case could save you a lot of money if such a situation arises.

10. Use A Reliable Travel Agent for  Post-pandemic Travel

There is a lot to consider regarding health and safety measures, selecting insurance policies, and booking destinations. Things can be a bit overwhelming when you take all that into account. You definitely don’t want to be thinking about all these things in your travels and that is exactly why you need a travel agent on your side.

Having a professional travel agent releases you from all those troubles and keeps you in safe hands. They can plan the most convenient and safest travel with ease. In this new normal, travel agencies are certain to make a big comeback, and it’s best for both sides to help each other out.


The COVID-19 situation is still going strong in certain parts of the world, but many countries are recovering as well. Nevertheless, we can hope the world will go back to a pandemic free state soon. 

For now, health and safety should be your top concerns. The best way to ease your mind and clear out all those anxiety is with a relaxing trip. However, you have to get used to a few changes that aren’t necessarily bad. You will just need a little time to get used to all the necessary actions for safe travel.  

Life is short and our earth would need some time to heal itself. But that doesn’t mean we should cut ourselves from the outside world completely.  With a little practice and patience, you will be ready for your post-pandemic travel in no time!